The start of something new...

My first blog ever....
So why would I even start a blog...? 
The question is hard, the answer might be even harder. 

Writing diaries has been something I did as a young girl. Writing about my day was something that I really liked. I wrote about all the fun things that had happend that day. Family that visited, friends that came over, nice dreams that i had and even about my schoolday. 

The older I got, the more I seemed to forget about my diary. First it became a 'weekbook', after a while a 'monthbook' and after that a 'whenever I feel like writing book'. 

A long while I had been thinking that i outgrew the part in which I like writing in a diary. That I became to old for that. Looking back on it there might be an other reason...

Thinking back, not being able to write about the 'fun' parts in life, might have been a reason not to keep writing at all. Now I am in a pretty rough time in my life. My mental healt is not where it needs to be. So remembering what 'alsmost every person' in my life has given me as an advice, whriting it down can make it heal, why not try it then. 

So here goes nothing...


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